Rooted in the Vedas, India's ancient system of astrology

Sacred Vedic Astrology
By: Samantha Shravana
Welcome to, Sacred Vedic Astrology. Samantha Shravana is a professionally trained sidereal vedic astrologer, with a deep passion for helping others find their purpose, understand their path, and have clarity towards their future through the divine knowledge of Jyotisha, also known as the “science of light”. Jyotisha, more recently known as vedic astrology, is profound ancient knowledge that can help us understand our karma, dharma, purpose, career, and so much more! Vedic astrology is using the sidereal calculations, which is more accurate in connection to the ecliptic, or the movement of stars over time.
Samantha has always had a deep fascination and love for astrology, finding her own natal chart at the young age of thirteen, instantly fascinated and enthralled. Her studies begin then, with tropical western astrology. Samantha was frustrated with the lack of depth, predictive techniques, and ancient tradition in western astrology. She loved western astrology as a side passion, but never connected with it enough to pursue it professionally.
Upon a series of very clear synchronicities and signs, Samantha found herself called to the path of Vedic Astrology. The universe was quite literally speaking to her, showing her the way to this ancient language, which instantly felt like home. Samantha enrolled in the University of Vedic Astrology, studying under Joni Patry, and has been working with clients ever since. Samantha found so much clarity on her own life, and path through vedic sidereal astrology, and now helps others find the same knowledge.
Vedic Sidereal Astrology is a sacred, ancient tool to help us on our path to understanding ourselves, the timing of our life, and future energy with so much accuracy. Book a reading today and experience the beauty of Sacred Vedic Astrology.