Welcome back! Today we are joined by the amazing practical numerologist, Felicia Bender, Ph.D. Felicia Bender is an author, speaker, and professional numerologist, & is the resident numerologist for Astrostyle.com. Felicia helps people understand their unique life path & purpose through numerology.  Felicia is bringing the power of numerology into our practical world, and was kind enough to sit down to show us how to calculate & understand every life path number for you guys!  She shares how to prepare for 2023 based on the numerology coming up, and has so much wisdom to share.

You won’t want to miss this one! Come learn about yourself, your unique number, & so much more.

Find Felicia below for more of her amazing work!


Samantha Shravana is a professional healer, poet, & natal 8th house moon. Let’s dive deep into this path together. Enjoy.🌙🌛

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